Electronic PE Damage Indicator (PDF)
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Ensure your PE pipe wall damage is 10% or less
Don’t guess when safety is on the line. Leave good pipe in the ground and remove the bad!

Use the PLCS Pipe Wall Damage Indicator.
The tool is used by area supervisors, foreman, installers, or inspectors who need to make a decision to cut out a small section of damaged 3/4″-20″ PE pipe or steel. If the pipe wall damage is 10% or more of the total thickness, then it must be removed.

Part# 71-370002
Many make the decision to cut out or leave in the section of pipe by visual inspection or by some other undocumented means.
In today’s litigious and safety-conscious society, all damages need to be documented accurately.
The Electronic Pipe Wall Damage Indicator documents the reading with a press of the button. Reducing unnecessary cutouts, saving money, and maintaining safe pipeline integrity.

Supplied in a custom case. The tool offers an instant measurement to eliminate unnecessary cutouts.
- Simple for all field personnel.
- Digital readout is accurate to 0.0008″ or less.
- Instant zeroing provides a direct readout of the surface damage.
- Ensures PE meets safe pipe laying standards prior to burial.
- Especially valuable in lengthy coil pipe installations.
- Toggle readout from inches to metric.
- Works on steel pipe and flat surfaces.
The PLCS PE Electronic Damage Indicator is the only self-contained electronic damage indicator that is fully portable and works on any surface.

Part # 71-370002
Box Length 10 ½”
Box Width 9 ½”
Box Depth 2 ¼”
Overall Weight 1.7lbs
Unit Height 8 ½”
Unit Base Width 3 ¼” – Aluminum
Power Supply SR44 silver oxide cell (1pc)
Battery Life *About 20,000 hours in continuous use
Temperature Range Operating: 0°C – 40°C, Storage: 10°C – 60°C.