Custom Order Guide (PDF)
Special Fabric Mold Encapsulation
Gas distribution systems often include special fittings, with widely varying dimensions that were made by local foundries and fabricators. When one of these fittings leak, PLCS will design and manufacture a Special Encapsulation Mold to seal the leak.

Encapsulation offers the easiest simplest and least expensive method for repairing a special fitting. Often it is the only way. The cost and disruption of a cutout are usually prohibitive.
- PLCS Special Encapsulation Molds can usually be made and shipped within 24 hours.
- They are supplied with constraints to control the shape of the finished encapsulation and place encapsulant where it is required, around the potential leakage points.
- The fitting is completely encapsulated in a tough, flexible synthetic rubber that is permanently adhered to it.
- Specials measurement guides are available from PLCS upon request.
- Email or phone your measurements to PLCS and we will custom make a Special Mold to fit exactly.
Training: PLCS strongly recommends that customers begin their encapsulation program by sealing low-pressure bell joints. only they can then progress to higher pressures, couplings and other joints and then specials. Only experienced encapsulators should install specials. Field technicians are available for on-site instruction and supervision.