The SUPRAFLOW Tee offers a unique alternative to traditional hot-tap procedures for branching, by-pass, and main extension projects that require a high volume of flow. The tap is in the tee, which significantly reduces excavation size, simplifies installation, and lets the operator perform a pressure test on all connections before tapping, saving significant time and money.

No other solution offers live gas-free 4″-8″ branching on 4″-18″ main.
- Gas-Free Installation Meets ASTM D2513
- Simple Tools Require Minimal Training
- 4″-8″ Tees Rated to 125 PSI
- Installs in Multiple Positions
Exclusive USA & Canada Distributor

Tapping is simple and quick using Supraflow’s ultra-light drilling equipment.
Its exclusive tubular cutter retains the coupon and shavings.
- Significant reduction in time and cost compared to traditional PE hot tapping.
- Branch connections without squeezing off.
- Eliminates stress cracking.
- Tap a 6″ main in 6 minutes.
- Fast connection with existing approved fittings.
- Compact drill assembly.
- One-man operation.
- Install in any position.
- Intrinsically safe.
- Safe drilling and installation.
- Gas-free operation.
Supraflow PE Tapping Tee Technical Data
Max Operating Pressure: 125 psi
Pipe and Outlet Material: HDPE 4710
Pipe Diameter: 4″ to 18″
Outlet Diameter: 4″, 6″ and 8″
SDR: 11

Drill Tool Kit
Part # 90-ES36