Pipe Cracker Product Line (PDF)
The 4″-8″ MACAW Pipe Cracker is designed as a safe and efficient alternative to traditional methods of breaking out a cast iron main. It attaches to the excavator with a chain and is powered by the excavator’s hydraulics. Once it is maneuvered around the pipe the jaws apply sufficient pressure to crack the cast iron.

Safer than using a sledgehammer. No need for the labor-intensive smashing out cast-iron mains by hand.
One machine cracks pipes from 3” to 8” in diameter, including the odd sizes in between.
Break out speed controlled using a flow control valve.
Use on empty or inserted cast-iron mains.
Easy to operate. Once positioned onto the main, the hydraulics do the work.
The excavator handles the weight, significantly reducing the manual labor.
Does not require full circumferential pipe access.
- 22,000 lbs. crushing force.
Double-Acting Ram operates off the excavator’s hydraulics or hand pump.

Part# 52-32165


Operates in small crowded excavations.

Shown Using a Hydraulic Hand Pump